Friday, September 27, 2024


Jawiya FC: No contract signed with coach Udeesho yet

 Jawiya FC: No contract signed with coach Udeesho yet

Jawiya FC: "No contract signed with coach Udeesho yet"

Baghdad ( Jawiya FC management Board denied signing a formal contract with coach Ayoob Udeesho to replace his deposed coach Salih Radhi.

Member of Jawiya FC management Board Hamza Hadi said to ( on Tuesday that “The agreement with Udeesho is not official yet, we hope to sign Udeesho formally after he approves the terms of the contract on the fifth of March.”

“Coach Salih Radhi was not deposed, it was a kind of resignation, in the time when the football team was in unstable phase the management started informal talks with some coaches to lead the team,” Hadi added.

Hadi also mentioned that “Jawiya management began the search for another coach because it was afraid of Radhi’s resignation at a critical period of the league,” noting that “The assistant coaches Waleed Thahad and Mahdi Jasim are currently training the team.”

Coach Ayoob Udeesho led many of the local football clubs, the last was Erbil FC.