Sunday, September 22, 2024


Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee: Egypt, Iraq money transfers issue not solved yet

Baghdad ( A member of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee Imad John said that “The transfers benefit of the Egyptian’s dept on Iraq denies resolving the crisis between the two countries.”

John stated to ( on Friday that “In our last visit as the representative of the Iraqi Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee to Egypt, we met our counterparts in the Egyptian People’s Assembly and discussed the Egyptian debts owned by Iraq which resulted by the policies of the former regime that estimated by [400] million dollars, we delivered a message to the Iraqi government from the Egyptian side about the possibility of resolving this issue, but the issue of profits and benefits that is estimated by more than one billion dollars was the only obstacle.”

“The warnings of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Egyptian People’s Assembly about recovering the debts to Egyptian companies and workers from the Iraqi banks were made in a non-diplomacy manner,” he added, noting that “Part of those debts are related to private sector companies and traders who were illegally dealing with the former regime.”

The former regime blocked the amounts deposited in the government banks, exclusively in Rafidain Bank, belonging to the Egyptian labor wages and members of the Egyptians private sector for more than half a million beneficiaries.

The Head of the Egyptian Manpower Committee in the People’s Assembly of Muslim Brotherhood’s bloc Saber Abu al-Fotoh called to “Boycott the Arab summit in Baghdad,” saying that “I am warning Iraq from the Egyptian wrath from delay paying the Egyptian workers money which worth one billion and 716 million dollars, although the Iraqi government’s budget for 2012 was 100 billion dollars.”