Sunday, September 22, 2024


Morabi demands activating customs duties law

Baghdad ( The member of the Parliamentary Economic Committee Hussein al-morabi demanded the Cabinet to activate the customs duties law no. (22) issued on 2010.

MP Morabi reported in a press statement to Iraqi News on Monday ” The economic process such as industry, agriculture and other institutions need for supportive laws to protect the national products by imposing the customs duties law  on the foreign goods imported to Iraq.”

He added that “The customs duties law is considered an important means to fight all the unhealthy products such as cigarettes and alcohol,” noting that “The customs duties law will participate in increasing the budget’s financial earnings.”

The Committee’s members stressed “The law should not cover food products, pharmaceutical and any materials which are necessary for the citizens.”

He continued saying that ” The customs duties law will contribute in operating the factories of the private and public sectors and solving  the unemployment problems, if, the law was written in an appropriate way.”

The Parliament decided to suspend the customs duties law, which was meant to be implemented on 30 of the next June, and referred it to the Cabinet to determine the appropriate time to apply it according to the economic requirements.