Friday, September 20, 2024


Waeli reveals new investigations on DFI’s lost funds

Baghdad ( MP Shirwan al-Waili, a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee (PIC) revealed new details about the Iraqi funds lost in the era of the U.S. Civil Governor Paul Bremer and said that the sums that are investigated are $ 61 billion.

Waili said in a statement to ( that he “met the U.S. Inspector General (IG) Stewart Bowen at the residence of Dr. Ahmed al-Chalabi to discuss the fate of the lost money form the Development Fund of Iraq (DFI).”

He added “The Inspector General came to investigate the funds of (DFI) which were spent in the time of the Coalition Provisional Authority under the supervision of Bremer.”

PIC’s member added “The U.S. IG talked about $ 8.8 billion spent without documents and there are other $ 7 billion spent with violations for the legal measures, besides other sums that reached $ 25 billion had been spent for military equipments.”

Waili referred “The total audited funds reach $ 61 billion,” noting that “The IG will present two reports, the first one in July, 2012, while the second in January 2013.”

He quoted the U.S. IG as saying “60 U.S. figures are being investigated upon this issue.”

The former Iraqi government was forced to receive some projects accomplished by the CPA despite being not completed, Waili concluded.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed al-Chalabi and the MPs Sabah al-Saadi and Basima al-Saadi.