Saturday, September 28, 2024


Barzani: Kurds confront current harsh attack against them

Erbil ( The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, pointed out that “Kurds confront a harsh attack against them at the current stage,” warning from “the return of the suppression and killing process again.”

During his speech at the first conference for supporting the Kurdish case in Erbil, he said “The right of self-determination is granted by all the international laws and we call others not to deprive the Kurds from this right.”

“Some sides attempt to prove their patriotism through attacking Kurdistan Region,” he added.

“The Kurds will not fear the F 16 planes because they had a previous experience in confronting the planes of the former regime,” he assured.

“We are afraid of the return of the culture of eliminating the other and of killing as well as suppression,” he concluded.