Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusayif demands government to confront extracting Iraqi territories


Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusayif, of the Iraqiya Hurra Bloc, called upon the government to address the United Nations and the US Administration about stealing some parts of its territories by some of Iraq’s neighboring countries because of the policies of the former regime.

She said in a statement Tuesday "Iraq nowadays is suffering from the stealing of parts of its territories by neighboring states which requires the Iraqi government to address the United Nations, the American administration and the major international powers to intervene and put pressure on these countries to return the extracted territories and return them to Iraq.”

MP Nusayif added "Iraq is still paying the price of previous regime’s practices and policies, absurd wars and defeats that caused him keeping silent at the fact that some neighboring countries were stealing large parts of Iraqi territories because the former regime was only interested in prolonging his government for the longest possible period.”

She continued saying "We must know the stance of the United Nations and the US administration about the suffering of Iraq from its neighbors so that Iraqi people know who stands with Iraq and those who stand against his interests.