Sunday, September 29, 2024


Kurdistan Region MP describes Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk as Provocative

 Kurdistan Region MP describes Maliki’s visit to Kirkuk as Provocative

Baghdad ( MP, Ala Talabani, of the Kurdistani Alliance criticized the visit of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to Kirkuk and holding the meeting of the Council of Ministers in the province on last Tuesday.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, she said “We expected Maliki to talk about Kirkuk suffering from the former regime which displaced its original people from the Kurds and the Turkmen.”

“We hoped Maliki to discuss the means of applying Article 140 and the agreements concluded between the State of Law Coalition and the Kurdistani Alliance but he ignored the Kurds and the Turkmen’s lost rights,” she confirmed.

“This stance turned his visit a provocative rather than to end the suffering of its majority by granting their rights or to speed up the referendum to determine attaching Kirkuk to Kurdistan Region,” she noted.

“This visit complicated the disputes between the Central Government and Kurdistan Regional Government while Iraq is facing a political crisis,” she emphasized.

“The governmental performance of the SLC is heading towards settling the disputes with its partners by resorting to the constitution to grant the rights of the communities especially in Kirkuk,” she concluded.