Monday, September 23, 2024


MP: Iraq to reply to Turkey over not delivering Hashimi

Baghdad ( MP, Adel al-Maliki, of the State of Law Coalition assured “The judicially wanted Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi cannot contest the Interpol Red Notice.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “Hashimi cannot contest it because there is no judicial side to consider this confutation.”

“The adherence to the Interpol Red Notice is the responsibility of the country that it is issued to because the Interpol has no authority to do it,” he added.

“If Turkey does not deliver Hashimi to Iraq, Iraq will do the same to Turkey by not delivering the wanted Turkish detainees who are in Iraq,” he pointed out.

Earlier, the INTERPOL issued an arrest warrant against the judicially wanted Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi, for being suspected of conducting terrorist crimes against civilians and officials in Iraq.