Saturday, September 28, 2024


Nussaiyf urges to submit Arbil agreement to Iraqi Parliament

 Nussaiyf urges to submit Arbil agreement to Iraqi Parliament

Nussaiyf urges to submit Arbil agreement to Iraqi Parliament

Baghdad ( MP of the Iraqiya Hurra bloc, Aliya Nusaiyf, urged “The leaders of the political blocs to submit the controversial Arbil agreement to the Parliament to discuss it and show the Iraqis all its items.” Nusaiyf said “The Parliament has to give its opinion about Arbil agreement since it is the supreme legislative authority,” noting that “Depending on the political agreements concluded outside the parliament means neglecting the peoples’ will and violating the legal contexts.” It is worth to be mentioned that the political process in Iraq suffers from disputes among the politicians especially after forming the current government according to Arbil agreement. The Iraqiya Slate’s accuses Maliki of not fulfilling Arbil Agreement’s items completely while Maliki says that some of the agreement’s provisions are incompatible with the Constitution.