Saturday, September 28, 2024


Saad: NCs meeting not to substitute INA’s meetings

 Saad: NCs meeting not to substitute INA’s meetings

Saad: NCs meeting not to substitute INA\

Baghdad ( MP Suzan al-Saad of the Fadhila Party within the Iraqi National Alliance assured that the consultative meeting of the INA would not a replacement to the meetings of the Iraqi National Alliance. Saad said “The consultative meeting of last Wednesday does not represent a substitute for the meetings of the Political Bureau of the National Alliance since the bureau is the basic reference to discuss the problems and finding appropriate solutions for them.” The blocs of the National Coalition within the Iraqi National Alliance has held yesterday, Wednesday, a meeting in the headquarter of the political bureau of the Sadrist Trend in Baghdad to discuss means of implementing the provisions of the last consultative meeting in Erbil.