Friday, September 20, 2024


Maysan Oil Co.: Intermediate Pumping Station to be inaugurated soon

 Maysan Oil Co.: Intermediate Pumping Station to be inaugurated soon

Maysan Oil Co.: "Intermediate Pumping Station" to be inaugurated soon

Maysan ( Maysan Oil Company announced that “The Chinese (CPP) Company will finish soon erecting the Intermediate Pumping Station which will link the main oil exporting pipeline with Maysan oil fields,” noting that “This project aims to increase the export capacity of the line to accommodate the expected increase in the fields’ production during the coming period.” A statement by the company quoted the Director General of Maysan Oil Co. Ali M’arij as saying “The intermediate Pumping Station project includes erecting three pumps operating by diesel to be linked with (Bazargan-Fao) export line in al-Azir district of southern Maysan province to increase the line’s capacity.” The statement added “It is hoped that Halfaya Field to witness producing (70, 000) barrel per day by the end of next July.”