Saturday, September 28, 2024


Hashimi: I have right to transfer my case to international courts

Baghdad ( The Judicially wanted Vice-President, Tariq al-Hashimi announced “I have the right to transfer my case to the international courts.”

A statement by Hashimi’s temporary office in Kurdistan Region quoted Hashimi, as saying “According to the confirmation of my defense team over the fabricated political charges against me, the central criminal court starting my trial by a single judge and according to the primary investigations.”

“The political impact was clearly shown in the case starting by broadcasting the confessions in the medial outlets in spite of forming a committee to resume the investigation, but the original confessions were based on in the court,” he added.

“I decided to withdraw the defense team in order to preserve the rights of the detainees from my staff and guards because there is a ready made political decision to make me a criminal,” he concluded.

The criminal court resumed Hashimi’s trial on Sunday to sue him in absentia after lifting it on last Tuesday.

Hashimi’s case is one of the pending issues among the political blocs especially between the State of Law Coalition and the Iraqiya Slate.

Hashimi will be sued in absentia due to his refusal for appearing to the court about three crimes that will be discussed in one case after postponing the trial on the 10th of May.

The Iraqiya Slate announced its readiness to convince Hashimi to appear at the court if the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, applied Erbil agreement, pointing out that it is sure that Hashimi is not guilty.

Earlier, the INTERPOL issued an arrest warrant against Hashimi for being suspected in conducting terrorist crimes against civilians and officials in Iraq.