Sunday, September 22, 2024


SLC meeting postponed till Thursday

 SLC meeting postponed till Thursday

SLC meeting postponed till Thursday

Baghdad ( The State of Law Coalition postponed its expanded meeting scheduled on, tomorrow, Tuesday till next Thursday.

MP Abdul-Abbas Shiya of the SLC told Iraqi News ( Monday that “The meeting of the SLC which was scheduled to be held on Tuesday has been postponed till next Thursday,” noting that “The meeting will be expanded and will be attended by all the decision-makers, MPs, ministers and blocs as well as conservative members in the Coalition.”

He added that “The meeting will not come out with the sudden decisions because it will discuss developments of the political arena, including the decisions of Erbil and Najaf meetings and preparations for holding the national meeting as well as the last paper submitted by the President Jalal Talabani.”

He continued saying that “The meeting would also, discuss the outstanding issues that could resolve the current crisis, such as the security ministries file and the legislation of the bylaw of the Council of Ministers, speeding up the procedure of legislating laws that fully conform with the provisions of the constitution.”

The meeting of the State of Law Coalition was scheduled to be held on Tuesday to discuss developments of the political arena in the country.