Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Saad describes hosting 5+1 meeting as success for Iraq’s diplomacy

 Saad describes hosting 5+1 meeting as success for Iraq’s diplomacy

Saad describes hosting 5+1 meeting as success for Iraq\

Baghdad ( MP, Suzan al-Saad, of Fadhila bloc described “Hosting the 5+1 meeting in Baghdad as a proof for the success of the Iraqi diplomacy and restoring its regional and international position.”

She stated to Iraqi News ( “By hosting the meeting and the Arab Summit before it, we started to get the fruits of the diplomatic efforts exerted to regain Iraq’s effective position in all levels.”

“Regardless the results of the meeting, Iraq achieved prominent international role by holding this meeting,” she concluded.

Earlier, the meeting of 5+1 started in Baghdad on Wednesday noon to negotiate over the Iranian nuclear program.

It is worth mentioning that International Atomic Energy Agency chief, Yukiya Amano, on last Tuesday, said that he expects Iran to sign an agreement “quite soon” to allow inspections of facilities suspected of being used in a covert nuclear-weapons program.