Friday, September 20, 2024


MoO to launch 4th oil licenses round Wednesday

 MoO to launch 4th oil licenses round Wednesday

MoO to launch 4th oil licenses round Wednesday

Baghdad ( The Ministry of Oil announced completing its preparations to launch the fourth round for Oil Licenses on next Wednesday. A statement by MoO, cited “MoO has finalized its preparations to launch the forth round of Oil Licenses to be held on Wednesday with participation of 47 international and Arab oil companies which have finalized the legal, technical and financial measures for the participation.” “The new round will be divided into 12 exploration sites, distributed on all provinces,” noting that “The Ministry invited the media outlets and officials in the government most notably the premier al-Maliki, Ministers and MPs especially the Parliamentary Oil and Energy Committee to attend the bid,” the statement added. The exploration sites will cover the provinces of Babel, Muthana, Diyala, Wassit, Nineveh, Anbar, Najaf, Diwaniya, Basra and Dhi Qar. MoO decided to exclude the American (Exxon Mobil) company from the forth Oil licenses round due to non-commitment in its contracts with Kurdistan Regional Government.