Sunday, September 22, 2024


Babel Governor promises to eliminate terrorism in northern Babel

 Babel Governor promises to eliminate terrorism in northern Babel

Babel Governor promises to eliminate terrorism in northern Babel

Babel, Hilla ( The Governor of Babel province, Mohamed al-Masoudi, promised to “eliminate all the terrorist cells within Qaeda Organization which took place in the north of the province depending on the information presented by the intelligence departments and the national security concerning the activities of these groups.”

The Governor reported in statement to on Tuesday “The current year will witness the end of Qaeda Organization’s presence in northern Babel after conducting some successful arrests and reduce the number of the terrorist operations.”

Al-Masoudi added that “The most important strategy for Qaeda Organization is arousing the sectarian sedition among the people of the united country to make differences and attack through these disputes and implement its terrorist plans.”

The statement continued that “The precautionary operations conducted by the security forces and the intelligence information contributed in creating disputes among the terrorist elements which led to making them eliminate each other.” \