Monday, September 30, 2024


Diwaniya provides free fuel for private sector pwoer generators

Diwaniya ( The Oil products of Diwaniya branch announced starting to equip the owners of the private sector electric power generators with the free fuel for three months to provide services during summer season.

The Undersecretary of the Branch’s Director Nufal Muhsin reported to on Wednesday that “The branch will start distributing the fuel according to the capacity of the generator and the branch will receive the objections and information updating from the owners of the generators before the equipping.”

He added that “The Oil products branch will increase the capacity of the equipping to satisfy the needs which will occur due to the free distribution of fuel.”

According to statement issued by the Minister of Electricity Kareem Aftan al-Jomaily “The current summer represents a real challenge for the Ministry of Electricity which faces a fight that has to be won for the benefit of the citizen.”