Saturday, September 21, 2024


Sadrist MP accuses Maliki of bribing MPs to keep post

 Sadrist MP accuses Maliki of bribing MPs to keep post

Sadrist MP accuses Maliki of bribing MPs to keep post

Baghdad ( MP, Hussein al-Mousawi, of Ahrar bloc within the Sadr Trend, showed concerns over difficulty of collecting (164) MPs’ signatures to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, due to “Maliki’s success to get support of some MPs through bribes and illegal behaviors.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “I have some information that confirms that Maliki has succeeded to convince some MPs by giving them bribes and contracts in order to stay in his post which is unsiutable for him.”

He accused Maliki of “Paying money to some media outlets too,” assuring that “Maliki paid 200 Million Iraqi Dinnars to an official in charge of an Iraqi Satellite Channel operating from Lebanon,” without mentioning his name.

He stressed the necessity of “Withdrawing confidence from Maliki because the situation does not any longer permits him to be the PM of Iraq,” pointing out “Being the PM, the government will be unjust and with more tyranny.”