Monday, September 30, 2024


Nusaiyf calls to expose MPs’ signatures for toppling government to SCI

 Nusaiyf calls to expose MPs’ signatures for toppling government to SCI

Nusaiyf calls to expose MPs\

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusaiyf, of the Iraqiya Hurra bloc called to expose the MPs’ signatures who requested to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki to the Scientific Criminal Investigation.

In a press statement, she said “Unfortunately, some sides forged the signatures of the MPs and used them to submit the request for toppling Maliki,” noting that “It is an attempt for gaining personal benefits rather than general interests.”

“This is a dangerous breach, which is according to item (298) of the penal law, and it is considered a criminal action and the doers must be sued,” she added.

She stressed the necessity of “Exposing the MPs’ signatures to the SCI in order to apply justice in this case which is a dangerous one,” she concluded.