Monday, September 30, 2024


SLC MP doubts possibility of collecting enough votes to topple Maliki

 SLC MP doubts possibility of collecting enough votes to topple Maliki

SLC MP doubts possibility of collecting enough votes to topple Maliki

Baghdad ( MP Abdul Abbas Shiya of the State of Law Coalition expressed his doubts towards the number of votes collected to withdraw confidence from the Premier Nouri al-Maliki.

MP Shiya stated to Iraqi News Friday “The statements of the Iraqiya Slate and the Kurdistani Alliance as well as the Sadr Trend over collecting enough votes to topple Maliki are groundless since most of the MPs are outside Iraq and they cannot collect this large number of votes so quickly,” stressing that “Many MPs have rejected to vote for this request.”

“The blocs which seek toppling Maliki’s government would not be able to collect more than 130 votes,” he added, noting that “Such exaggerated statements cause a lot of confusion for the Iraqi street and give negative message about the Iraqi political process.”