Monday, September 30, 2024


IS MP warns from withdrawing confidence from Maliki

 IS MP warns from withdrawing confidence from Maliki

IS MP warns from withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Mosul ( MP Maysa al-Taee of the Iraqiya Slate assured that “The withdrawal of confidence from the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki would lead the country into the abyss.”

She told Iraqi News ( Monday that “The insistence of some political blocs to withdraw confidence from Maliki will lead the country into the abyss and will leave a security and political vacuum which will destroy the efforts of the government to acheive the security acheivements in the last years.”

MP al-Taee added “I am not convinced about the issue of withdrawing confidence from the government but I think that the signatures will be used as a means to put pressure on Maliki to implement some of the conditions of some political blocs,” expecting “the failure of the Iraqiya Slate to complete withdrawing the confidence because it tried two times to do so before but it failed when the first was the withdrawal of the IS from the first session of the parliament to prevent forming the government.”

She demanded the political blocs to “wait in the decision of withdrawal of confidence and sit for dialogue to end the crisis and achieve the aspirations of the people.”