Monday, September 30, 2024


Talabani denies signing request for withdrawing confidence from Maliki

 Talabani denies signing request for withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Talabani denies signing request for withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Baghdad ( The President, Jalal Talabani, denied signing a request submitted by 170 MPs for withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki.

Presidential statement relieved by cited “Recently, the media outlets report contradicted and inaccurate statements over Talabani’s stance concerning the attempt of withdrawing confidence from Maliki.”

“A local newspaper posted on its front page a report stating that Talabani signed a request submitted by 170 MPs,” the statement added,

“For clarifying the truth, such report is groundless,” the statement continued.

“Talabani received the request from the political blocs and decided to form a Presidential Committee to check the MPs’ signatures and he sent a message for the Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, that contained the checked signatures,” the statement mentioned.

“This critical stage requires the political sides to consider their statements before launching them,” the statement concluded.