Monday, September 30, 2024


MP describes nominating substitute for Maliki as Impossible

 MP describes nominating substitute for Maliki as Impossible

MP describes nominating substitute for Maliki as "Impossible"

Baghdad ( MP, Hadi al-Yasiri, of the State of Law Coalition confirmed that “Nominating a substitute for the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, will not be accomplished soon or may be impossible.”

In a statement received by, he warned from “The negative consequences of adopting the escalation concerning the current political crisis on the future of democracy in Iraq.”

“The current stage is not suitable for such tensions,” he added stressing that “We should concentrate on consolidating security situation and to achieve regional security of Iraq.”

“Withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, will reduce Iraq’s regional position,” he mentioned.

He called “The Iraqi politicians to avoid being the reasons behind the deterioration in the country.”