Friday, September 20, 2024


Astronomic phenomenon appears on Kurdistan sky

Baghdad ( The airspace of Kurdistan Region, precisely on the sky of Dohuk province, witnessed a weird astronomic phenomenon which has been described as (unique).

The website of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) quoted the Director of Astronomers Association of Kurdistan Region, Ozzie Ghetto Hassan, as saying that “This phenomenon, which terrified some citizens who watched it, can be interpreted either because of passing a meteor too close to earth or maybe a satellite has fallen and clashed with the layer of air near the earth and caused this phenomenon.”

The website added that “Whatever caused this phenomenon, there is no need to worry because a similar phenomenon has previously happened in 1997.”

The geological expert Ramadan Hamza described this phenomenon as “Normal and needs no concerns about it,” pointing out that “These cosmic phenomena occur every 60 to 70 years.”

According to the website “This phenomenon had been seen in other areas of Kurdistan Region such as (Erbil, Sulaimaniya, Shaqlawa, Rawanduz and Sarkan) but it was completely different from what has been seen in Dohuk province.”