Sunday, September 22, 2024


Iraq participate in UN workshop for combating corruption

Baghdad ( An Iraqi delegation has participated in the workshop of the regional project for combating corruption and promoting integrity in the Arab countries which belong to the United Nations in Tunisia.

The workshop began its activities on last Wednesday and will conclude on next Saturday.

The Integrity Commission reported in statement to on Thursday that “The workshop included participation of the Deputy Head of Integrity Commission Judge Tawfeq Jaffer, Ministers, academics and representatives of civil society organizations as well as representatives of official institutions specially from the Arab countries and experts from regional and international organizations which are concerned in combating corruption and achieving transparency and Integrity.”

The statement pointed out that “The agenda of the workshop will handle the requirements and means to combat illegal earning and the legal procedure to be adopted against this phenomenon in addition to discussing plans and standards which are adopted by the [44] countries, among them four Arab countries,” noting that “These standerds recorded success in preventing illegal earning.”

The statement added that “The Deputy Head of the Integrity Commission conducted on the sidelines of the workshop a meeting and discussion with representatives of counterparts Arab Commissions to exchange information and expertise as well as increasing the attendance to the regional project of the United Nations within programs and projects of the Iraqi Integrity Commission.”