Monday, September 30, 2024


Kurdish MP: Withdrawing confidence from Maliki not to take revenge from him

 Kurdish MP: Withdrawing confidence from Maliki not to take revenge from him

Kurdish MP: Withdrawing confidence from Maliki not to take revenge from him

Baghdad ( MP Mahma Khalil of the Kurdistani Alliance described the attempts to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki as “legal process rather than a step to take revenge from Maliki.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “We do respect Maliki and his efforts to build the country and his history of fighting the previous regime, but the political process witnesses a political crisis caused by the marginalization and discrimination to some sides by not applying the promises and the national partnership.”

“The political crisis has not only negatively affected the interior affairs but it also affected the regional relations of Iraq,” he added, calling to “Follow the experiment of Kurdistan region by the peaceful exchange of authority and the national reconciliation.”