Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP: Talabani’s statement gives chance to solve disputes

 MP: Talabani’s statement gives chance to solve disputes

MP: Talabani\

Baghdad ( MP, Amina Saadi, of the Hurra Iraqiya bloc mentioned that “The statement of the President, Jalal Talabani, over the lack of the required signatures for withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, will give a chance for the political sides to solve the disputes among them.”

She stated to “We warned from withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, through the closed meetings in Erbil and Najaf provinces because it will complicate the crisis.”

“Talabani’s statement made Iraqis feeling hopeful over solving the crisis and presenting the services for the citizens,” she mentioned.

She stressed “The necessity of making the purpose of all the meetings that are held all over Iraq to serve the citizens and to eliminate their suffering,” she concluded.