Saturday, September 28, 2024


Sinjri: Talabani reneges promise to submit request of toppling Maliki to parliament

Baghdad ( MP, Faris al-Sinjri, of the Iraqiya Slate accused the President, Jalal Talabani, of “failure to keep his promise to hand over the request of toppling the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, to the parliament.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The political leaders who gathered in Erbil intended to submit the request to the parliament to investigate Maliki then toppling him, but Talabani asked to submit this request himself according to the rights granted to him by the constitution.”

“Talabani’s rejection to hand over the request to the parliament shows that there are foreign pressures against him,” he added.

“Talabani’s claim over the lack of the required signatures is groundless,” he pointed out, assuring that “The political leaders in Erbil insist on going on this issue till toppling Maliki.”