Monday, September 30, 2024


Official: Wednesday blasts desperate attempt against Iraq’s unity

Baghdad ( The Security Committee of Baghdad Provincial Council described the explosions which took place in Baghdad and other provinces as (The desperate attempt against Iraq’s unity.”

The Head of the Security Committee in Baghdad Provincial Council, Abd al-Karim Tharb, stated to that “The security breaches which took place in Baghdad and other provinces are considered as failed responses for the security achievements to exploit the political disputes concerning the proposal of withdrawing the confidence from the from the Premier Nouri al-Maliki.”

He added that “These terrorists who are responsible of these explosions are cowards trying to prove their existence through exploiting the political disputes, so, we call all the political blocs to reject all the disputes and to prefer the national interest over their personal interests in order to preserve the security achievments to step further towards the stage of building and reconstruction.”

Baghdad and other provinces witnessed about 30 attacks with car bombs, Improvised Explosive Devices, on last Wednesday, that resulted, according to statistics prepared by, in killing and injuring 345 civilians as well as pilgrims heading to visit the Holy shrine of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar al-Kadhum.