Monday, September 30, 2024


DIP calls to settle disputes through conducting dialogue

 DIP calls to settle disputes through conducting dialogue

DIP calls to settle disputes through conducting dialogue

Baghdad ( The Dawa Islamic Party called the Iraqi people and the Islamic community to make the anniversary of the Martyrdom of Imam Musa Bin Jaafar al-Kadhim as the base to settle disputes and conduct dialogue.

The DIP, headed by the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, in a statement condemned the Wednesday bombings against the pilgrims heading to visit Imam Kadhim in Baghdad.

The DIP called the political leaders to “Avoid the tensed statements and settle disputes by responding to the call of the President, Jalal Talabani, to conduct dialogue through the national meeting to settle the pending issues according to the constitution.”

“The DIP greeted the security elements and their efforts to sustain stability and protect the pilgrims and all Iraqi people, calling them not to show mercy with any threats to the civilians and keep facing the terrorist attacks that target the Iraqi people,” the statement concluded.