Monday, September 30, 2024


IS MP denies having files criminalizes Maliki

 IS MP denies having files criminalizes Maliki

IS MP denies having files criminalizes Maliki

Baghdad ( MP, Intisar al-Jobouri, of the Iraqiya Slate denied the statements which attributed to her of “Possessing dangerous files which prove that the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki has breached the Constitution in case of investigating him by the Parliament.”

She reported in a statement “These reports, which are attributed to her, are groundless and we did not declare any statements concerning this issue for any media outlets at all.”

She accused “Another political sides which are associated to the media outlets,” adding that, “These political sides are attempting to attribute statements to us although we did not declare it.”

She called the media outlets to “Seek accuracy in reporting the statements.”

Some media outlets published news which report that MP Jobouri stated of possessing files prove that the Premier is involved in stealing the public property and violating the human rights. \End\