Saturday, September 28, 2024


MP announces completing signatures required to withdraw confidence from Maliki

 MP announces completing signatures required to withdraw confidence from Maliki

MP announces completing signatures required to withdraw confidence from Maliki

Baghdad ( MP, Mushriq Naji, of Ahrar Bloc within the Sadr Trend announced “The number of the signatures required to withdraw confidence from the Premier Maliki, completed, calling the President to submit them and not to accept the pressures practiced on him.” Naji said “Some MPs of the Iraqiya Slate who did not sign previously, announced their desire to sign, attributing none citing their names so as not to be exposed to intimidation or enticement by political parties.” “The number of signatures for withdrawing confidence completed but the President Talabani is exposed to many pressures, so we call upon him not to subject to these pressures and to show the Iraqis the reasons of these pressures especially that he has promised in Erbil meeting to submit the request of withdrawing confidence if the number of the signatures completed,” he added. It is mentioned that the call to withdraw confidence from the PM, failed after Talabani announced, on June 9th that the signatures reached (160), noting that this number is less than the required number (163), where he renewed his call to hold the national meeting.