Friday, September 20, 2024


Babel PC allocates IQD (28) billion for projects to security forces

 Babel PC allocates IQD (28) billion for projects to security forces

Babel PC allocates IQD (28) billion for projects to security forces

Babel ( Babel Provincial Council announced “Allocating more than IQD 28 billions for projects to build facilities and utilities related to security forces in the province.” The member of BPC, Mazen Abdul Karim, said “The PC allocated IQD 2 billions and 400 millions for Babel General Traffic Directorate and IQD billion for Bodyguards Directorate and IQD 20 millions for cities protection and the same amount to erect a building for the Tribal Affairs Directorate.” He added “The PC also allocated part of the financial allocations to purchase supplements and different materials such as observing cameras for the checkpoints of Babel entrance from the side of the capital Baghdad.”