Saturday, September 21, 2024


Shahristani: New power generating stations to be inaugurated soon

 Shahristani: New power generating stations to be inaugurated soon

Shahristani: New power generating stations to be inaugurated soon

Diwaniya ( The Deputy Premier for Energy Affairs, Hussein al-Shahristani, announced that “New power generating stations will be inaugurated by the end of 2012.” He added during a celebration of inaugurating two electricity stations in Diwaniya province, on Sunday “Through the exerted efforts of the Ministries of Oil and Electricity, new stations will be inagurated by the end of this year in provinces of Karbala, Babel and Wassit.” He clarified “Four electricity stations have been linked today to the national grid of electricity with capacity of 900 MW.” Shahristani during his visit to Diwaniya, inaugurated two power stations which were erected within the contract concluded between the Ministry of Electricity and the South Korean (STX) Company in northern and eastern the province. The capacity of both stations is 400 MW, with 200 MW for each.