Friday, September 20, 2024


Barzani, German ambassador discuss mutual relations

Barzani, German ambassador discuss mutual relations

Erbil ( The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, received the German ambassador to Iraq for the occasion of the end of his mission in Iraq.

A statement by the Presidency of Kurdistan Region received by cited “The German General Consul in Kurdistan Region has attended the meeting where the two sides discussed the mutual relations between Kurdistan Region and Germany due to the vital role of Germany to develop Kurdistan Region in all fields.”

“The two sides have also discussed the political situation in Iraq and Kurdistan Region,” the statement added, pointing out “The Germen ambassador appreciated the development of Kurdistan Region during the last ten years, wishing to sustain stability in Iraq as it is in Kurdistan Region.”

“For his part, Barzani expressed his wish to develop the bilateral relations with Germany, wishing the success to the ambassador in his new tasks,” the statement concluded.