Sunday, September 22, 2024


KA MP: Maliki’s Confidence withdrawal to be priority for Thursday parliament session

 KA MP: Maliki’s Confidence withdrawal to be priority for Thursday parliament session

KA MP: Maliki’s Confidence withdrawal to be priority for Thursday parliament session

Baghdad ( The Kurdistani Alliance’s MP Jola Haji expected that “Among the priorities of the Parliament when it resumes its sessions on next Thursday will be issue of withdrawing confidence from the Premier Nouri al-Maliki.”

In a statement to the Iraqi News (, MP Haji said Tuesday “The MPs should discuss the issues related to daily life of citizens, but the political process witnesses a severe crisis represented by the disputes among the blocs so the issue of withdrawing confidence from Maliki will be a priority for the Parliament.”

“All the leaders of the Sadr Trend, Iraqiya Slate and the Kurdistani Alliance have agreed during the meetings of Erbil and Najaf to form committees to prepare for investigating the Premier Maliki,” she stressed.

The Parliament will hold its first session of its first legislative term within the third legislative year on next Thursday; meanwhile, official sources have confirmed that the agenda of the session would not include investigating PM Maliki or discussing the issue of withdrawing confidence from him.