Monday, September 30, 2024


IS MP describes lifting concrete barriers from parliament building as Selective

Baghdad ( MP, Shaalan al-Karim, of the Iraqiya Slate accused the government and the security forces of being “Selective in lifting the concrete barriers from around the parliament building.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Lifting the concrete barriers is a selective procedure resulted from the calls to withdraw confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki.”

He considered this issue as “A dangerous procedure,” expressing his surprise for “Lifting the concrete barriers from the parliament building and not form the General Secretary of the parliament, Planning Ministry, Defense Ministry and others.”

He called Maliki and the security forces to reconsider this issue.

Earlier, the Parliamentary Defense Committee described lifting the concrete barriers which were located in front of the parliament building in the International Green Zone as a “Wrong procedure.”

The Deputy Head of the Committee, Iskandar Witwit, stated “Lifting the concrete barriers is unacceptable procedure because the security situation is unstable yet to remove them.”