Saturday, September 28, 2024


Maliki’s Advisor: PM intends to take serious measures to protect oil sector

 Maliki’s Advisor: PM intends to take serious measures to protect oil sector


Baghdad ( The Media Advisor of the Premier Ali al-Musawi revealed that the message sent by al-Maliki to the US President Barak Obama, concerning Axon Mobil Company, is “part of the measures which Maliki intends to take in terms of maintaining the country’s oil wealth.” Musawi said “The PM decided to deal with this vital file very seriously especially after Axon Mobil’s entry into Nineveh province.” “The Premier intends to take several steps to preserve the oil wealth,” Musawi stressed without revealing those measures. He noted that “It is not the right of the Governors to conduct contracts or deal with this issue since it is the federal government’s prerogative exclusively.” Since ratifying the Iraqi Constitution, the Oil and Gas Law made up the most prominent pending issue between Baghdad and Erbil. It is worth to be mentioned that neither the former Parliament nor the current one succeeded in finding solutions for this issue.