Friday, September 20, 2024


Amounts of marketed wheat, barley crops appraoche 1,5 million tons

 Amounts of marketed wheat, barley crops appraoche 1,5 million tons

Amounts of marketed wheat, barley crops appraoche 1,5 million tons

Baghdad ( The amounts of wheat and barley crops received from the marketing centers, which are related to the General Company for Trading Grains within the Ministry of Trade, reached 1,409,825 tons of wheat in addition to 79,510 tons of barley. A statement by the Company cited “Wassit province is among the first provinces in terms of the amounts received from their marketing centers which amounted to 304,653 tons of wheat.” It is mentioned that the GCTG has announced on last Wednesday ending the recieving crops from farmers in provinces of Basra, Maysan, Dhi Qar, Najaf, Diwaniya and Samawa after completing their tasks successfully.