Monday, September 30, 2024


IS announces its insistence on withdrawing confidence from Maliki

 IS announces its insistence on withdrawing confidence from Maliki

IS announces its insistence on withdrawing confidence from Maliki

Baghdad ( MP, Wihda al-Jumaili, of the Iraqiya Slate revealed that “During its meeting that was held on Saturday, the IS announced its insistence on the attempt of withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki.”

She stated to “After the meeting which was held before the parliament session, the IS decided by all its sides to go on to accomplish this proposal,” noting that “The IS has the required number of MPs for withdrawing confidence from Maliki.”

“The legal committee which is formed to investigate Maliki will announce on Saturday or next Sunday the mechanism of the investigation and who will conduct the investigation,” she concluded.