Sunday, September 22, 2024


Najaf PC accuses MoE of hindering foreign investments in power field

 Najaf PC accuses MoE of hindering foreign investments in power field

Najaf PC accuses MoE of hindering foreign investments in power field

Najaf ( The Economic Committee in Najaf Provincial Council accused the Ministry of Electricity of “depriving Najaf PC of concluding contracts with foreign companies which have expressed readiness to implement projects to erect power stations.” The Head of the EC, Hassan al-Zamili said to “The inflexibility of the officials in the MoE, who do not allow to sign contracts with foreign companies to establish electricity projects, resulted in depriving the province of concluding contracts in the field of implementing power stations projects.” “One of those companies was a European company which was ready to negotiate with the local government in Najaf to erect modern power station, but we did not sign this contract due to the Ministry’s rejection in this regard,” Zamili stressed.