Monday, September 23, 2024


Urgent – Najaf PC stops cooperation with Education Minister

 Urgent  –  Najaf PC stops cooperation with Education Minister

Urgent … Najaf PC stops cooperation with Education Minister

Najaf ( The Provincial Council of Najaf province unanimously decided to stop cooperation with the Minister of Education, Mohamed Tamem, on the background of his behavior when he punished a teacher by transporting him to a remote area in the province for creticizing the ideology of the former Baath Party.

A source of Najaf Provincial Council stated to on Saturday that ”The Provincial Council held a meeting on Saturday and unanimously decided to stop all kinds of cooperation with the Minister of Education because he transported a teacher to remote area in the province.”

The source added “The teacher recited a poem, during a certain social occasion criticizing the policy of the former Baath Party and the crimes which were committed under its slogan.”

The source pointed out that ”The Minister of Education instructed, in the same day, Najaf Education Directorate, to transport this teacher to a remote area in the province as a punishment for him for reciting that poem.” \