Sunday, September 22, 2024


Araji: Judicial sides issue verdicts against key officials

 Araji: Judicial sides issue verdicts against key officials

Araji: Judicial sides issue verdicts against key officials

Baghdad ( The Integrity Parliamentary Committee announced that “The Iraqi judicial sides issued imprisonment verdicts against former and current key officials including the former Trade Minister, Abdul Falah al-Sodani.”

The head of the IPC stated in a press conference held at the parliament building Sunday “The courts issued a verdict against Sodani in absentia for financial and administrative corruption,” noting that “Sodani is entenceed with seven years in prison.”

“The judicial sides issued one year imprisonment verdict against the head of the Ownership Claims Committee, Ahmed Shiya al-Barak, in addition to a similar verdict against the member of Baghdad Provincial Council, Muntaha Faza,” he added.

“Seven years imprisonment verdict was issued in absentia against the head of the Internet Services General Company, Mohamed Fathi,” he stressed.

“The former PC member, Ismaeel Faris faces three years imprisonment verdict,” he concluded. /En/