Saturday, September 28, 2024


EU delegation arrives in Kurdistan Region

 EU delegation arrives in Kurdistan Region

EU delegation arrives in Kurdistan Region

Erbil ( The Swedish, Polish and Bulgarian Foreign Ministers arrived in Kurdistan Region within the course of their visit to Iraq and the region.

A statement by the Kurdistani Regional Government quoted, Falah Mustafa, the head of the Foreign Relations within Kurdistan RegionG as saying “Within the course of its visit to Iraq and the region, the delegation of the European Union, which involves Swedish, Polish and Bulgarian Foreign Ministers, arrived in Kurdistan Region to discuss the means of enhancing bilateral relations between Iraq and the EU.”

“The delegation will hold a meeting with the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani and the Premier of Kurdistan RegionG, Nijirvan Barzani, in addition to the other key officials in Kurdistan Region,” he concluded.

It is decided that the Polish Government to inaugurate its representative office in Kurdistan Region on Sunday.

Earlier, the Swedish, Polish and Bulgarian Foreign Ministers arrived in Baghdad on last Saturday morning.