Sunday, September 22, 2024


Harbo: One of three-side alliance members to investigate Maliki

 Harbo: One of three-side alliance members to investigate Maliki

Harbo: One of three-side alliance members to investigate Maliki

Baghdad ( MP, Nabil Harbo, of the Iraqiya Slate expected that the investigation of the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki can be conducted by one of the members of the legal committee three-side alliance.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he stated “The one who will investigate Maliki will be one of the members of the legal committee comprising six elements which is formed by the three-side Alliance.”

“The investigating person will investigate Maliki according to the questions set by the committee,” he added.

“The most important files that Maliki will be investigated for is the security file and the financial corruption in addition to some other files regarding violating constitution,” rejecting to reveal details over the importance of the investigating files.