Sunday, September 22, 2024


Non-potable water to be discussed in next Parliament session, says MP

 Non-potable water to be discussed in next Parliament session, says MP

Non-potable water to be discussed in next Parliament session, says MP

Baghdad ( MP Wissal Saleem of the Iraqiya Slate, The member of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee said “The issue of corruption committed in non-potable water projects will be included in the agenda of the Committee to be discussed in the Parliament.” She added “The role of this committee is to shed light on the problems experienced by the citizens and supervise the concerned sides to know the fate of the financial funds allocated to the large water projects without getting benefit in providing drinking water to the citizens.” Saleem clarified that “The statements of the former Minister of the Water Resources represent a confession by the previous and the current governments that the potable water is unavailable for most of Iraqi people.” “A lot of large projects to deliver clean drinking water have been established; yet, only (60%) of the citizens are supplied with the potable water, which means that 40% of people use water that does not fit for drinking and that what led to spreading of diseases and epidemics,” she emphasized. “What happens now is a result of the financial and administrative corruption in most of the State’s institutions,” the PHRC’s member concluded.