Sunday, September 22, 2024


CSO, UNAMI hold conference to activate media role in enhancing religious tolerance

Baghdad ( The Center of Training and Developing Widows, (one of the Civil Society Organizations), in collaboration with the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), held a conference about activating the role of media to spread the culture of religious tolerance. A statement by the CTDW mentioned “The Center held, in collaboration with UNAMI, a conference about activating the role of media in enhancing the culture of religious tolerance under a slogan (Our tolerance, our future), in Elwiya Club of central Baghdad.” It added “The forum was attended by members from Baghdad Provincial Council, the Christian, Izidi and Sabian endowments, Civil Society Organizations, and Zain Company for Telecommunications; as well as heavy attendecne of media outlets.” For her part, the Head of CTDW, Salma Jabbu stressed in her speech during the conference “The important role of the Civil Society Organizations in stabilizing the concept of tolerance and ties of brotherhood among all Iraqi communities especially after the political changes and escalation of terrorism sectarianism.” “Women have an important role in building the society and upbringing the generations,” she added. “Women bear the responsibility of reducing the sectarian sedition and consolidating the principles of citizenship and belonging to the homeland through upbringing their children on the basis of respect to others regardless their religion or believes,”