Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP criticizes Haidari’s statements over rpostponing PC elections

 MP criticizes Haidari’s statements over rpostponing PC elections

MP criticizes Haidari\

Baghdad ( MP, Haitham al-Jobouri, criticized the statement of the head of the Independent High Electoral Commission, Faraj al-Haidari, in which he “Ruled out conducting the elections of the Provincial Councils due to the lack of the financial allocations.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “Haidari’s claim is groundless,” noting that “This statement expresses his personal viewpoint.”

“As one of the members of the Parliamentary Financial Committee, I confirm that the budget allocates financial allocations for the IHEC yearly whether there are elections or not,” he concluded.

Earlier, the head of the Independent High Electoral Commission, Faraj al-Haidari, ruled out conducting the elections of the Provincial Councils due to the insufficient financial allocations.