Monday, September 30, 2024


Duri: Maliki’s statements aborted efforts to settle disputes

 Duri: Maliki’s statements aborted efforts to settle disputes

Duri: "Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP, Etab al-Duri, of the Iraqiya Slate described the statements of the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki as “An attempt to increase the political conflict and aborted the efforts to settle the political disputes.”

In a press statement received by on Thursday, she said “Maliki, in his statements, clearly showed his intentions for not applying the reformations that would develop the service level for the citizen.”

“Maliki’s accusations to the parliament represent a dangerous precedent that need to be discussed because the Parliament is the highest observary authority in Iraq which granted Maliki confidence to be the PM of Iraq, “she added, assuring that “All sides insist on withdrawing confidence from Maliki.”

“All the Iraqi people, including the politicians, hope Maliki to behave away from sectarianism and racism,” she concluded.