Monday, September 30, 2024


Wardi: Maliki’s call to dissolute parliament not to settle disputes

 Wardi: Maliki’s call to dissolute parliament not to settle disputes

Wardi: Maliki\

Baghdad ( MP, Liqa Wardi, of the Iraqiya Slate underestimated the call of the Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to dissolute the parliament and conduct earlier elections.

She stated to Iraqi News ( “Conducing early elections is not easy to be done and will not settle the disputes because the problem is in the government rather than the parliament, but Maliki wants to blame the parliament to avoid criticizing the government.”

“Dissolution of the parliament is very hard and complicated issue because the parliament can dissolute itself by voting of more than third of its MPs,” she added.

She wondered about “The mechanism of holding earlier elections while the government is unable to conduct the local elections and the members of the IHEC are not elected yet to start conducting elections.”

“Such calls aim to defame the parliament and they are well-known to the Iraqi people,” she concluded.